Friday, May 21, 2010

and the food is the same

i didnt have much of a food routine when i used to come here to visit but i would say over the past 5 or 6 years that has changed...  it is a set routine now...
the wharfside for steamers and lobster
squan tavern for antipasta and pizza
hoffmans for ice cream
corner bagelry for a bagel at the inlet
pork roll used to be in rotation but i can get that now at my local grocery store so I have worked that out of rotation
so far this trip the only thing left to do is the ice cream
it may or may not happen

What's Different

A friend of mine asked last night what is different about being in NJ.  So as I tried to drift off to sleep last night I had a whole bunch of observations go through my head.  However as I sit here this morning I am drawing a blank.  But I will give it my best to try to remember.
The house in Brick versus Wall has always seemed different to me even if my parents have lived in this house for about 13 years now.  It just isnt the house I grew up in.  Of course the house I grew up in is different too.  What is with that crazy huge picture window and stained glass something hanging in it.  If you drive by at night can you see right in and through the house?  Not to mention the huge house that now sits next door.
And the traffic patterns?  They took Rte 70 and did all sorts of stuff with it. No more circle, jughandles, u-turns, medians. 
It is nice to drive through Brielle, Sea Girt and Spring Lake and see that most of that is the same.  The tree covered street of Riverview is still a nice drive.  And I never knew you could see the river from the road over the golf course.  Ahhh - MRGC - it makes the golf courses in the middle of no where CLT seem so boring.  The big house is still in Sea Girt.  But now that the road that runs along the beach in Sea Girt is now one way.  You do feel like you are circling a bit to do a beach drive but it is not too bad.  The Essex and Sussex had some huge tarp covering it.  Looked like it was getting a face lift and they dont want the public to see it?  Belmar had far more newer homes than I recall seeing in years past.  And we did drive all the way to the end of Bradley Beach...  I was surprised to see The Draughting Table was still open.  That made me smile.
On another note - what the heck is up with all the Dunkin Donuts?!?  No really, I feel like ther is one on every street corner.  I guess they are having a resurgence?  So much for healthier living for those that have no will power when it comes to donuts.  (That would not include me).
Yoga studios on every corner.  Now I know why my friend keeps telling me to just take a class at the carious studios to test them out.  There are tonnes of them here.  Not so much in CLT.  The other thing that is not as prevelant in CLT - mom and pop establishments.  Eateries that have been around for ages that are not chains!  It is a wonderful experience.  Everything is so chain oriented in CLT.  It is convenient ahh but this is nice to see.
The unique homes are nice too.  And the unique neighborhoods. 
Drove by the schools as well.  They are all just a little bigger.  But look about the same.
And there is a new bike path but I dont know of anyone having tried it yet.
And the best thing of all that is not different - as I do continue to ramble on - the smell of the salt air.  Puts a smile on my face and spring in my step.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Fast Forward to the Beach

Well the plans to come to NJ in June weren't working out as planned.  KF's plans were kind of delayed.  So I thought maybe I would go to NJ for a little bit anyways.  Or maybe we'd go later in the summer.  And the last we looked maybe closer to Christmas.  So all these things were up in the air.  And then I found myself having to go to NJ for my Uncle Jack's funeral.  So here I am in NJ doing a revised version of the beach thing...