Sunday, April 26, 2009

To the Bridge...

For those of you not in the know... The Bridge was a fond hobby of my father's. He tracked the progress of that bridge being built. They would swing over to check it out on the way through to wherever they were going. There web-site to track the progress.
Specials on tv. He was all over it. Luckily it was finished before he got sick and he was able to see it complete. I think at the time they had not yet demolished the old bridge.
Which was actually a neat site to see them both.
I tracked the progress as I was out there for business at least once each summer.
And this was the year I decided I would do the walk.

Wow, I was just out on the ravenel site. I had forgotten how cool the construction pictures were. Mine probably aren't that impressive. I truly don't think they do it as much justice as being there. Oh and seeing the bridge from the distance.... It is really neat.

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